About Aim
Adullam International Ministries, also known as AIM, is a non-profit organization based in Wetumpka, Alabama. Our mission is to further the kingdom of God by providing a safe haven for at-risk children and their families. A burden that started in the early 1990’s has now become a worldwide effort that continues to grow far beyond our dreams.
At the center of AIM lies the Adullam House, our first established branch and the first home in Alabama for children of incarcerated parents. Adullam House serves a range of children from newborns to teenagers, providing a safe and loving environment. Also located in our homebase of Alabama is - AIM Academy, AIM Church, and our AIM Thrift Store. These branches work together offering education, spiritual care, and physical provision for our community. This in turn impacts children, the Wetumpka community, and leads us to reach beyond our own borders.
adullam House
When Adullam House started and small children began to arrive at our homes, we initially sent them to public school. However it very soon became clear that in order to make any radical and lasting changes in their lives we would need to create our own school environment. The children often came to us several grades behind their expected academic level, or arrived in such a state of trauma or dysfunction that they were disruptive at school, gravitated to the naughtiest kids in the class, had no interest in school and/or struggled with racial issues. They also were subject to a certain stigma associated with mom being behind bars. We knew that to make any impactful improvement in their educational and social prospects we needed a brand-new option for them. This desire led to the establishment of AIM Academy, a private Christian School, geared to meet the needs and dreams of our Adullam House Children.
AIM Academy
AIM CHURCH came into being at the beginning of the Ministry as a natural process that grew out of our love for Bible Study and Fellowship. Our Staff and children met together for praise and worship in the main room of the first home, bringing drums and keyboards and friends and family to sing and to share together, young and old alike. It wasn’t long before we began to build a Chapel onsite and when that was filled we met for many years in a Church that was loaned to us for that purpose.
Having Church was non-negotiable, although always quite a challenge with lots of little ones in tow and for the last few years we’ve been meeting in the School gym. However, we’re so excited to finally have a more permanent building in Wetumpka that doesn’t need to be set up and packed down after every meeting. Praise The Lord! Our Pastor, Brother Jason Selman is married to Ruthie, (the baby that got passed around the Prison Chapel) and together they have two children, Scarlett and Isaiah. Alongside his passion for the body of believers at AIM Church, Pastor Jason has a real heart to inspire our youth to reach out to the lost and hurting. It has been a wonderful testimony to witness them reaching out in love to our local communities; touching lives as devastated as many of theirs once were. We are excited and expectant to watch what God is about to do in and through these vibrant young people.
Aim church
AIM Thrift
The Adullam House Thrift Store first opened its doors in July of 2013 as a means of providing monetary support for the work of Adullam House. We were given the opportunity in late February 2017 to relocate from our original location to a beautiful store with robust warehouse space suitable to accommodate our growth, present and future.
In August of 2016 the ministry received a call for help to bring relief to areas devastated by the South Louisiana Floods, specifically Baton Rouge. As a result of our quick response, and the overwhelming support and contributions from our community, we were able to take three large box trucks, two pick-up trucks, and a large flat bed trailer full of all sorts of supplies, as well as two separate crews to help with the overwhelming clean-up needs. The Adullam House Thrift Store served as a hub for the relief efforts for community. Through this we are now registered with the Alabama Red Cross as an official disaster relief facility.
We are thankful that God has blessed the operations of the Adullam House Thrift Store, and in turn allowed us to be a blessing to our community, providing quality goods at bargain prices (ALL TAX FREE!!!). If an item is $.25, you pay $.25. If an item is $10, you pay $10.), but even more importantly, providing prayer and spiritual support to those in need.
Contact Us
Office Number
Welcome Center and Office
28 Firetower Rd.
Wetumpka, AL 36093